Aliviado Highlighted in Home Health Care News and Reader's Digest!

Ab Brody
September 21, 2018

Home Health Care NewsAliviado is excited to be highlighted this month in Home Health Care News in an article titled Aliviado Teams with Home Health Providers to Slash Dementia-Related ReadmissionsThe article highlights our program is discussed, focusing on our work to decrease dementia-related readmissions. As home health care agencies become more and more intertwined with health care systems both from a referral aspect and a bundled payment aspect, the need to provide high quality care to persons with dementia, one of the highest utilizers of care, and a particularly high driver of readmissions, becomes an imperative. Referrers need to know that the agencies they work with are going to provide effective and efficient care that reduces readmission rates, and Home Health Care News highlights Aliviado's potential role in helping home health agencies to implement best practices through a dementia QAPI program.

Reader's Digest LogoAlso in the news, our work was highlighted in a Readers Digest article on 6 Signs Your Family Member’s ‘Forgetfulness’ Is Actually Alzheimer’s Disease. While we might not have a cure for Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias, knowing can help us to plan for when individuals struck with a dementia worsens and is no longer able to care for themselves or make important financial and health care decisions. We can write living wills, designate healthcare proxies, setup financial powers of attorney, and other important planning pieces that will allow for a more orderly and person centered approach to care than the guessing game that often occurs when it's too late.


Thank you to both Home Health Care News and Readers Digest on highlighting our important work!